Saturday, March 08, 2003


So, I haven't slept since yesterday morning. I went out after work and just drank until 4 am. Then I went home, took a shower and got ready for work. I am so very, very tired. Spelling is hard.

In an hour and a half I'll be setting up lunch. I can't take a nap in my office, because at this point, I'd never wake up. This is so very hard. But I'm hardcore. Remember when we were, like twenty and could go days without sleep, just eating acid and hanging out in the smoking room at the campus library, eating Krystals (Southern White Castles) and just talking shit all night? I am a bad, bad, person. All I think about is what I want. Well, I was still kick-ass this morning work-wise. Got the coffee made, set up the nametags, registered 75-odd people, all that good stuff. And pleasant. I don't think anyone realizes that I'm actually drunk right now. Wow, such a bad employee. But the lunch will be set up, then I have to travel downtown and have a freaking serious talk with someone. Like I can handle that right now. I just want to take a nap. Like an eight-hour nap, you know? I'm seriously just typing to stay awake. Forgive me if I repeat myself. Thank heavens for the water cooler and the cool library staff. This is bad news, yo. uhhhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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