Monday, March 03, 2003

Those Good Old College Days

What the hell is up with women in college? What is it about a little freedom, a little education, and exposure to women's studies classes that drives some women insane? If you look at a sculpture of an erect penis, and you think "male domination," you need some serious therapy. I can understand a little, "ew, gross!" or even some "can't wait till the thaw" comments, but, really now. The worst thing about the sculpture seems to be proportion. I can appreciate that the medium wasn't exactly the most friendly, but that's one giant scrotum. I find it telling that many feminists are so narrow-minded and sexually repressed. It's an age old story: when it comes to porn, the feminists link arms with the religious right and sing "Kumbaya." Maybe a little humanism is in order. In any case, these two women are not the next radical feminists. One can only hope that, after some time in the outside world, each can look at a picture of a penis (or even a real one, should that the way of the swing) and see a part of the male human body, not a symbol of power. The humanist approach would be to divest the phallus of anything outside sexual power (which is good!) by ceasing to link it to socio-economic power (which is bad). In other words, ignore it and it will go away. Or something like that. Hey, I just made this shit up right now, what do you want from me?

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