Thursday, March 20, 2003

One Thing About War

You know what I hate? Yes, people who talk on their cell phones in restaurants and presidents who mispronounce "nuclear," but that's not all. I also hate it when people say, "Nobody wishes for war," because that's just not true. Plenty of people in this world are just itching for the legal opportunity to kill other people. Scads of world leaders look forward to the day when they can have ultimate control of their subjects and be victorious. There are people who wish for war and people who like it. Otherwise, guess what? THERE WOULDN'T BE ANY WAR. If, as our government keeps telling us, war is sometimes inevitable, then someone wants it to happen. It's not like a tornado, which, really, most people don't want but have no way to stop. So, Dick Gephardt, you can stuff your "nobody wishes for war" where the sun don't shine (and that would be up your chicken-shit Democrat ass, if you don't know), because it's a load, man. Some people do want war. And they're the ones who get what they want.

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