Thursday, March 06, 2003

Sombody Saaaaaaave Me!

Or help me, whatever. I've heard the song "Band of Gold" twice today, and I was struck by how little sense it makes. I love the music; it's fun and catchy, but the story of the song confuses the hell out of me. So, she was married but never consummated her marriage or even got to be with her husband after the wedding. Why? What does it mean, "love me like you tried before"? The only clue comes from the first verse, which alludes to a mother she's "never known." But. What. The. Hell. Does. It. All. Mean?

Also, no matter how much I love Tom Jones, if I never hear "She's A Lady" again, that will suit me just dandy. Sure, I love hearing songs about a woman who "always knows her place," is "never in the way," and can be left "on her own" without the fear of "messing," but I have the draw the line at such lyrics as, "Help me build a mansion from a little pile of clay," and the implication that it's okay for him to act like an ass (while she must act like a dainty fleur), because "she can take what [he] dish[es] out, and that's not easy." Fuck you Tom Jones. This song is misogynist crap. I can only hope that the producers of Miss Congeniality were going for super-irony when they used the song in their movie. Every time I hear it I want to punch someone. Like the DJ.

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