Thursday, March 06, 2003

Random Notes

Oy, the template is still broken and they don't give service to us free users. So, just ignore the side panel, 'kay?

Human shields: Bad idea.

Google: How cool is it that they celebrate Michelangelo's birthday?

Hey, Stephen Downs, now you know what it feels like for kids who get kicked out of the mall just because they're wearing black lipstick. Malls: Still irrationally bigoted after all these years.

Metropolitan Transit Authority of New York City: Blows goats. How ridiculous is a 50 cent fare hike? That's $1 a day for most people. If I'm not mistaken, that's enough to feed a starving child in Africa! We're talking a shitload of money, yo! But what choice do any of us non-Manhattanites have? I sure as hell can't hop on a bicycle and ride to work. If I didn't get killed in traffic or keel over from exhaustion, I'd have to leave at 6 in the morning to get to work on time, and then I'd be all sweaty. It's not an option. I hate you, MTA, you money-grubbing assholes.

Angel was awesome last night. Eliza Dushku is back and she kicked ass, bay-bee! I pointed and laughed and jumped around, clapped my hands and yelled "woo!" It reminds me of the old days, when Joss used to be able to inspire that in me on a monthly basis. Faith: A shot of adrenaline, a shot of tequila and mmm, mmm, good.

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