Friday, March 28, 2003

It's Not the End of the World

[warning: mild profanity on the way]

Damn kids, I need to get my shit together. Because, it's not. My shit is not together. It's not even in a trial separation. My shit is divorced, and no one has custody of the sanity. But this will change. It takes small steps.

In the meantime, let's talk about you. How are you doing? Have you been eating right? Getting enough sleep? How's your job? What about your love life? Oh, I get it, you don't mind hearing about how much my life sucks, but you don't want to share. That's fine. You probably have friends you can tell all your troubles to. Actually, I have a nice group of friends who listen to me kvetch in person, and they often give me really good advice. Sometimes the people you least expect will look right into your heart and help you see what you've missed. And those people will take their own time to help you, just because they care about you. It's wonderful. It makes you feel like you can change your path, that when it's your friend -- close by or on the phone, not some distant Oprahesque television deity -- the advice is more real, it's personalized, it's something special. And knowing that your friends have faith in you, even when they see you crumbling, can be just the boost you need to shore up your walls and stop the backsliding.

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