Wednesday, April 30, 2003


Did you know that John Waite ("Missing You") was in The Babys ("Everytime I Think of You") and Bad English ("When I See You Smile")? I never knew that. I really like that song by The Babys. It's got a great hook.

Monday, April 28, 2003

Sunny Days and Mondays

Did I tell you all about getting into the giant balloon? Well, I just got back the first picture. You can't see my face, but I promise, it's me. It was a fairly amazing experience, like being inside my own personal moonwalk. I'm still finding confetti around the apartment.

It'a apartment-hunting season again, and this time I have a very specific plan. $1200 or less, in North Williamsburg/Greenpoint, or Manhattan, below 65th Street and near a train. No roommates. Must have a bathtub. I'm finding some interesting stuff on, and I'm asking my friends to put out their feelers for me. Today, I'm going to look at a place on the Lower East Side that's only $1195. I'm suspicious, but we'll see. If you know of anything, e-mail me!

This smoking ban is the pits. I'm still smoking as much as ever, but I'm stuck outside half the night. It's not worth buying a drink! House parties are where it's at, take note.

Friday, April 25, 2003

Holey Moley!

I had a mole removed from my neck today. It was cool. It had been there for as long as I can remember, kind of big and floppy, getting caught on necklaces since I started wearing them. The doctor asked if I wanted it removed, and I said yes. Then I said, "You mean right now??" I admit, kids, I was a little scared. But he numbed me up, snipped it off, sent it to the lab, and used electric sparks to close up the wound. I now have a band-aid and a couple of sample packs of Bacitracin instead of a mole. I'll probably have a little scar, too, but I need something to remember it by. I'll miss that mole! By coincidence, I wore a decorative scarf today, the better to mask the band-aid. This is just the beginning. I have my eye on about two or three more that will soon feel the steely scalpel of justice! Mwahahahahaha!
TV is Hell, Hell is For Me

What's a 90210 reunion show without Donna, Steve and David? At least they got Shannen Doherty and those two old guys. Who am I kidding? I never watched that show.

OJ Simpson says he'd be interested in being TV commentator for the Robert Blake trial. You just know that whatever network executive decides to hire him for that gig will burn in hell for all eternity. Or at least lose some hair.

The Dixie Chicks were on TV last night, while Diane Sawyer nodded gravely at them. I love those ladies. I heard a part of Michael Moore's Oscar speech that I missed the first go-round: "And when you've got the Pope and the Dixie Chicks against you, your time is up!" The backlash against them just shows how any mouth-breathing, jingoist, um, crapheads, there are in this country. Maybe I'm all wrong about this American thing. Who wants to be part of a country of imbeciles?

PBS continues to put on the best reality shows. I saw 1900 House, Frontier House and 1940 House, and thought they were all great. I like the idea of putting modern day people into real historical settings. I'd like to try it myself, but probably only when they have Haight-Ashbury House or A Day in the Life of Cleopatra. I could really get behind those concepts.

And that's today's TV news!

I've gotten a bit of e-mail on this, and I just want to clarify: when I say, "Marriage, bad" I'm talking about the involvement of the government in marriage and the way married people are treated versus unmarried people. You want to go out and have that big, white, church wedding and step on the glass and yadda yadda yadda? Go for it! More interested in a quiet ceremony with just your closest friends and a chalice of your mixed blood? Funky, but okay by me. Simply want to exchange rings with your lover and proclaim spousehood? Not very festive, but whatever works for you. And to make it very, very plain: I WANT THAT, TOO. Maybe not the blood part, but I'm all for a long-lasting committment that's marked by something special and with clear intent understood by both parties involved. I just don't need or want to be legally bound to another person. M'kay?

The eradication of legal marriage would also make the "problem" of gay marriage no longer a problem. Since married people shouldn't be afforded any more rights than single people, what would it matter who recognized your marriage? Domestic partnership laws could cover insurance and such, then sham marriages for green cards and insurance fraud wouldn't be a problem anymore. See how much better it would be? No? I guess it's just me, but I stand by my beliefs.

Also, I think DNA has been around for longer than 50 years, Google. Briefer is not always better.

Thursday, April 24, 2003

Post Script

As usual, I speak too soon. I just read the transcript of Santorum's interview. I see that he's making a moral argument against adultery, not supporting existing laws. I also see that the guy, like many outspoken conservatives, is tragically sexually repressed, and obsessed with the idea of "family" as the essence of America. He also doesn't think the Supreme Court should be able to challenge the Constitutionality of states' laws. That's very interesting.

Just one more comment: if I never marry or have children, am I not an important member of this society? Are we all finally judged by our involvement in a "traditional" family? That's just so ridiculous. I think this guy should stick around as the RNC Chairman, 1) because he's a reactionary weirdo, and 2) because then he'll be in New York next year and I can throw stuff at him.

First, I read a brief news item about Howard Dean, presidential hopeful, wanting the Chairman of the RNC to step down, because he claims that the Chairman, Rick Santorum, compared homosexuality to incest. Then I read an article that my Alert Reader Scott sent me about the same thing, with an editorial angle. The gist is that Santorum is against legalizing sodomy, saying that if the court gives you the right to "consensual sex within your home," then it's also saying that other non-traditional relationships -- bigamy, polygamy, incest, adultery -- would be therefore allowed by the court. The knee-jerk liberals say, "Hey, are you comparing gays (for whom the sodomy laws are being argued; nobody arrests a woman for giving her husband a blow job) to bigamists and people who marry their cousins? That's just not right?" But they miss the point. William Saletan, from Slate, can't bring himself to say that he doesn't think incest should be banned, but I have no problem with it.

I don't think the government should have the right to tell any consenting adults what kind of sexual relationship to have. They have the right to say who gets married, but (say it with me if you know the words) marriage is an outdated societal construct and anyone who lets the state sanction their relationship is just asking for trouble. (Hey, you wanna praise marriage? Get our own blog.) But I digress. Cousin relationships aren't that unusual, but even if some complete freaks want to bang their sisters, who am I, or the government, to say they can't? We're not talking molestation, or child abuse, or bestiality, here, but consesual adult sex, even if it does make some people squicked. It's not anyone else's concern (except the person/people you're doing it with) what you do in bed. Why should it be; why would it be?

Bigamy and polygamy: these fall under the heading of marriage, so they're not applicable. Let's remind ourselves, these sodomy laws aren't about marriages, they're about sex. Two wildly different concepts. OK, so perhaps legalizing sodomy would open the door for gay marriages, but that's an indirect effect. Adulterous relationships obviously aren't subject to the couple being married to each other, so the issue here is sex. Whom you can have sex with legally.

Can you actually go to jail for incest or adultery? Are those actually banned sexual practices, or is Mr. Santorum just filled with the fiery zeal of the righteous when he speaks of such things? These are the talking points, kids, I don't feel like laying the whole thing out, point by point, because with two people talking at cross-purposes, and an editorial opinion that teases at the seemy underbelly of sex in America but doesn't go for the bite, I'd need to make a diagram.

OK, fine. I'll make it simple.

Sodomy ("gay sex"): Not subject to marriage, illegal in some states.
Bigamy/Polygamy: Subject to marriage, illegal.
Incest: May be subject to marriage, legal to certain degrees with assumption of no breeding
Adultery: Not subject to marriage between partners, grounds for divorce

To me, it seems that Santorum has made a huge leap here in including adultery, while the bigamy issue could be applicable if the outcome opened the door to gay marriages. The incest issue is probably closest, because it's a relatively normal sexual relationship that is offensive to some people because of societal mores. So, Santorum's argument may not be completely sound, but I think if the Supreme Court does say that people have the right to any kind of consensual sex they want, within their homes, then that would make it impossible for the courts to ban incest or polyamory. That's ok with me. Adultery is right out, because that implies a breach of contract, and thus can be used in suing the adulterer. (Isn't marriage a lovely thing?) Will it bunch up the states' panties because they won't be able to use these reasons to prevent all these perverts from getting married? Sure it will. But here are the facts. If you open up state sanctioned marriage to same-sex couples, you must make it legal for these other groups as well, or it's discrimination. Personally, I'd like to see the whole thing scrapped, but there will always be the marriage freaks out there.

Howard Dean needs to rethink his reaction to Santorum's statement. Maybe actually think about the issue instead of jumping to the defense of gays, who didn't actually need defending in this case. And I am through.

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Visual Stimulation

If you've done the requisite stalker-style exploring on my website, you've seen most of the pictures of me that I have on my server. But I'm bored and want to show off some others.

Crazy dancing by Vic.
Truth by a mean friend.
Nekkid hula hoop by Scott.
Naughty Vesago by the owner of the bike.
Funny place to store your lighter by Vic.
Having orange hair by Bill.

Ok, the last one shocked me. I can't believe I did that to my poor eyebrows! There's one more of me and my friend in our matching bras, but that's just going too far.
Flapping Heads, My Ass!

A friend passed along to be that in the recent Canadian elections, the separatist movemnet was quashed in Quebec, and over 70% of eligible voters turned out to the polls. Not to hit you over the head with a hammer, but Americans don't do so well in that area, so shape up, already!
Whatever It Is, I Want Some

What the hell are these PETA people smoking? A friend told me about this last night, but the full story is just nuts. I guess that now Jerry Falwell will want to change the name of Big Bone Lick in Kentucky. And anyone bothered by images of a young Bob Barker could petition to change the name of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Morons.

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

He Ain't Heavy, But You Try Lifting Eric McCormick Up Onto The Stage

At least, that's what I imagine I'll be doing on May 18th. See, that day is AIDS Walk New York, and after five years of walking, I'm taking a break to volunteer. I've spent some time on the phones already, but on the day of the event, I'm sure I'll have a much more labor intensive job, although perhaps celebrity wrangling is a little far-fetched. The walk is always fun, and I'm looking forward to being involved in the production side of it, because it's so well-organized.

I am, of course, also raising money, so if you would like to donate, you can check out my awesome AIDS Walk web site and lay some cash down on me. I'm sure that as concientious blog readers, you all know that there's no cure for AIDS, nor is there a vaccine against HIV, and that the virus is still spreading in America, even among demographic groups who don't expect to get it (like straight black women). That's why I think this walk is important, because it serves as a reminder to people who don't regularly deal with the effects of AIDS that it is a real and continuing problem. Yes, it raises funds, but it also raises awareness. And to anyone who wants to bitch about GMHC, they may not be perfect, but they were the first to do anything, and that deserves some credit. Plus, the money from AIDS Walk NY goes to over 50 different organizations, not just GMHC.

When I finally get last year's pictures developed, I'll post some on my donation page. Walk on.
Nazis Don't Read You Your Rights

Jackie Peterson is offended that the prosecuting attorney in her son's double murder case is publicly saying he thinks he will win. She says, "I'm feeling like I'm living in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union." Jackie, I have two, no, wait, four words for you: Shut the fuck up.
El Dia de la Tierra

Happy Earth Day! Let's celebrate by digging for oil in the Alaskan Wildlife Refuge! Then we can drive our 10 mile per gallon SUVs out to the river and dump some hazardous waste! After that we can have delicious meal at McDonald's, dining on cows raised in what used to be the South American rainforest! Too bad they stopped using styrofoam, but the excessive paper use in the tray liners will make up for that. Just for kicks we can inappropriately dispose of some air conditioners and refrigerators, because the ozone layer hole has been all but forgotten! The best part will be the benefit concert where the tonnage of unrecycled litter will outweigh the amount of funds raised to "raise awareness." At the end of the day, we can all go home to our individually heated homes and throw our plastic bottles and glass jars straight into the trash, without a care in the world.

Now, let's go club a baby seal!
Dream City

Check out the time, kids, I got to work before 10 am. Woo hoo! I was having this dream (pre-alarm) that I was running late to deliver a speech at a conference. I had put off writing the speech until the last minute, so I had to do my note cards on the train. Of course, I never had to get on the train because I could just go through a door at my mom's house and into the Marriott Marquis, but these things are like that. I went into the hotel and grabbed a cup of punch and a peach from the decimated breakfast area. Then I realized I didn't have my ID, so I couldn't get my name tag. So I was back home, going through my purse. There was a blue ring I haven't worn in a long time (so I wore it today), regular stuff that's in my purse, like my phone and my check book and stuff, but also my clippers and a stapler. It was a lot of digging, then I remembered that I don't have a driver's license and they'd just have to accept my passport. I was rushing around and my mom got out of bed (it was alternately 6:90 (??) and 2 am) and told me I had plenty of time so just relax. Then I was getting dressed, and I put on these hot pink denim pants, white socks, a light colored shirt, and a matching hot pink denim jacket. The weirdest part of this part of the dream was that I was a boy, and I was appalled that I had to wear something so queeny. However, I was a very Simon Le Bon sort of boy, so I don't know why I would be complaining. Anyway, I could feel myself receding from the dream, so I just opened my eyes and decided to get out of bed. It was amazing. If only I could do that every morning.

I am noticing a recurrence in my dreams lately, though. Sorting. I keep having these dreams where I'm sorting and organizing things. From index cards to pudding snacks, I'm like Rainman in my dreams. Maybe it's a response to a lack of organization in my own life, but I'm pretty well organized. Not perfectly, and that does bother me, because I'd like to have a really good filing system for my life, but not bad. Also, I'm dreaming about food a lot. The other day it was ice cream, lots of it, with crushed up Oreos. Then it was all those pudding snack and pies. This morning it was a huge, ransacked breakfast buffet. I ate the peach in seconds. What's that all about? Of course, I've been thinking about food a lot because I'm huge and I want to eat healthy, but I love food that's bad for you. Also, food is expensive, which concerns me. But I'm not much of a sweet tooth, which is why the sort of food I'm dreaming about (which I hardly ever eat in the dreams) is surprising.

OK, I have no idea where to go from there, so I'll just say

Monday, April 21, 2003

The Daring Motorcycle Jump Remains the Same?

They sure do grow musical theater writers funny in Los Angeles. First Bat Boy (which was fabulous, by the way), and now a rock opera based on the life of Evel Knievel. I hope it opens Off-Broadway!

Speaking of Off-Broadway, I saw The Last Sunday in June last night, and it was great! If you don't know what the title refers to, click here. Highly recommended, and only runs through June 29th! (But who will be watching that play on the last Sunday in June?)
More Style Issues

I realize that they have the same last name, and that the headline "Peterson to be arraigned in Peterson's death" doesn't really work, but did anyone ever think of "Peterson to be arraigned in wife's death? As I ranted re: "Private Jessica," I hate seeing women being referred to by their first names in news stories. It rarely, if ever, happens to men. It's just so demeaning. Considering that the AP has its own style guide for newspaper writing, I'd think they'd be better at it.
Click For a Cause

Okay, so you know how the Hunger Site works, right? You click, and the advertisers/sponsors of the site give money to the charity. Based on what is mostly waste coverage or imagined exposures, but they do it. I thought I would post a couple of links to these kinds of sites because, hey, it's fast, easy, and it really does benefit charity while screwing the capitalist pigs sponsoring the site. Okay, so maybe that last part is a little harsh.

The Breast Cancer Site is attached to the Hunger Site, the Child Health Site, the Rainforest Site, and the Animal Rescue Site. Check 'em out!
Some Spam is Amusing

"Don't Miss Kenny Loggins!" the e-mail from Ticketmaster shouted at me this morning. It made me smile.

Thursday, April 17, 2003

Pants on Fire

I'm so sick of all the lying. The lying we do to ourselves, to our friends, to our lovers, to our masters and our servants, our betters and our lessers.

I'm not feeling well, I can't make it in today, I think it's the flu. I just don't want to ruin our friendship. I know I paid that bill. Yes, you do have a great singing voice. No, those pants don't make you look pudgy. I swear, I just want us to be friends. I'll only go out for one drink. I'm going to quit smoking before I'm thirty. I love you. I'm looking out for your best interests. Money isn't important to me. I don't know what I want. I'm not trying to pressure you. I'm afraid of success. I like being single. I like being married. You're my best friend. I'm not in a good place emotionally to be dating anyone. You can be anything you want to be! I'm very happy here, I'm not looking for another job. Oh, uh, you were great, too. I'm a very together person.

Actually, most things people say about themselves are lies. Anyone who claims to be "deep" or "thoughful" is usually neither. People who crow about their confidence and strength are insecure weaklings inside. The "artistic" and "creative" do Bob Ross watercolors and macrame plant-hangers, while the "tortured" and "struggling" have their rent paid by the old man. We can't even be honest with ourselves; how can we be honest with each other? What makes us so scarred, so afraid, so guarded? Where did the cat come from that steals our tongues when we want to say words like [deleted, because I'm more comfortable lying]. Or [deleted]. Or even [deleted]. Sometimes we just don't want to be rude, but sometimes we are just too afraid to spit it out. It's far easier to revel in the moment of ambiguity than to have all those beautiful dreams smashed to bits. It's easier to protect your true feelings and hold onto security than to lose the tall dollars for one glimpse of reality. It's all just a big game we play, circling each other like boxers, dancing, jiving, feinting, rarely landing that solid cross, occasionally being surprised by a world-rocking uppercut.

And if I said I want it to change, that I could handle it if it did, I'd be lying, too.
Holy Crap!

Or Holy Thursday, whatever. After all my anti-Catholic ranting, I still don't feel bad for being off tomorrow for Good Friday. Technically, since I won't be working, it will be a good Friday. A good Friday for doing laundry and sweeping last Friday's confetti off the floor. A good Friday for handwashing my unmentionables and watching Pyramid. A good Friday for grocery shopping and freezing meat. Then later, a good Friday night for rock and porn. That's right. Mondo Porno is back. Check out Abby's link (to the left) for more info. Last time was a blast and a half, and I got free naughty things! I have no idea what to wear, though, because not only am I a fat cow, but the weather will be icky. Maybe I have a water-resistant mumu in my closet. Sexxxxxxy.

I can only hope I'll feel better tomorrow and less like smashing things so all that goodness won't be wasted. Now, it's more like smashing things. Smash! Smash!
Losing My Religion

Well, my brief flirtation with returning to the Catholic church has been effectively ended by John Paul II's recent encyclical letter. Whether or not it's right for me to be appalled at the elitist attitude of the pope, I just couldn't be a part of a community that had such narrow views and treated the most cultish aspects of its practice so protectively. I thought I could get past the chanting and the incense and the overblown ritual of Lent and Easter and such, but when who takes Communion becomes so important, I think you're losing the main message. Let us not forget that the great schism between Jewish Christians and gentile Christians was precipitated by a disagreement over kosher rules. Paul maintained that unity in Christ was more important than who ate what and where. Many people have their problems with Paul (and I'm no Bible scholar, so don't grill me), but the idea of table fellowship to break down the barriers between the Jews and the Gentiles seems pretty reasonable. Unfortunately, over two thousand years, more and more barriers have been thrown up, with Christians fighting amongst themselves more often than not. It's all just so stupid. What's the point? You believe in God, you believe in Jesus, you do your best to worship in the way that makes you the most comfortable, and some guy in Italy decides you're doing it wrong. The whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I can't imagine finding comfort in it at all. I'm going back to being a heathen non-believer.

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

Bad Timing

I should have played hooky today. Absolutely nothing is happening. I haven't even gotten one phone call today. And it's like summer out there. It's so unfair. I'm off Friday, but I bet it will be all cold and rainy by then. Damn you, weather! You can't see me, but I'm shaking my fist at you in righteous anger!
An Unlikely Union

First of all, if they're getting married in Los Angeles, then guess what? They're not getting married. Last I checked, same sex marriages were not recognized by the state of California. A committment ceremony is not a marriage. Unless it's legally binding, what's the big sacrifice?

Secondly, it just cracks me up that Melissa Etheridge is "marrying" Nicole from Popular. I loved her on that show. But she's a little young, no? Oh well, if Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones can do it...
Journalism Degrees: $5 each

Content of the article aside, when did "blah" become an adjective acceptable by the AP? Maybe in the Post or the Daily News. But in the wires? May the gods of English have mercy on their souls.
You Guys Rock!

Wow! 40 people read my blog on Monday. That's a new record! And I didn't even post on Monday! I love you all!

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Template Update the Second

It's fixed. Everything you see is current. I know you were waiting with baited breath to see what kind of shoes I was wearing today.

While I'm here, a friendly new reader contacted me today and pointed me to this site, which is funny as well as disturbing. She suggested a sort of "dueling banjos" with the quotes of the Iraqi Minister of Information and our very own Mush-Mouth Dubya. Might go somethin' like this:

"We're going to drag the drunken junkie nose of Bush through Iraq's desert, him and his follower dog Blair...There are 26 million Saddams in Iraq."

"The war on terror involves Saddam Hussein because of the nature of Saddam Hussein, the history of Saddam Hussein, and his willingness to terrorize himself."

"Bush is a very stupid man. The American people are not stupid, they are very clever. I can't understand how such clever people came to elect such a stupid president."

"I think the American people—I hope the American–I don't think, let me—I hope the American people trust me."

"W. Bush, this man is a war criminal, and we will see that he is brought to trial."

"When Iraq is liberated, you will be treated, tried, and persecuted as a war criminal."

"I speak better English than this villain Bush."

Ah, hours of fun.

Just a Note

Swingout Sister is a highly underrated band. Besides their infectious hit single "Breakout," they do a fun live show. I know, I saw them at Webster Hall in 1997. I say, go buy some Swingout Sister. It will make you happy.
Comb the Desert!

Whenever I think of the Coalition forces searching for the WoMD in Iraq, I picture that scene in Spaceballs where Dark Helmet's men are using an actual Ace comb on the sand (and two black soldiers are using a pick). That cracks me up. Hey, I'm easily amused.

And then there's this: "I don't think anyone anticipated that the riches of Iraq would be looted by the people of Iraq." -- U.S. Brig. Gen. Vincent Brooks

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...hoo-boy. But I though that they understood what the Iraqis were all about, how they'd suffered, what they wanted! How could they not anticipate complete chaos and disorder at the destruction of national power? That also cracks me up.
Menace II Society

Can we please just lock up Rodney King already? I agree with Cedric's character in Barbershop: that guy deserved to be beat down. What loser!

By the way, Barbershop was okay, but it lacked some punch. The storyline was pretty weak, and it just didn't build the big moments right. Jesse Jackson is a moron for speaking against it, because it so obvious he's responding to the line, "Jesse Jackson? Fuck Jesse Jackson!" The point of the comments they protested was that in the barbershop, the patrons felt they could speak freely and discuss real matters without fear of betraying their race. Jackson's protest says: "You're betraying your race!" Ironic, no? Maybe not, I haven't really thought it through yet. That's the beauty of the blog. Half-formed ideas achieve permanence in an instant.

I tried to update my template, but it's bein' a little bitch. We'll see about this.
Rules of Engagement

This is just sick. A bouncer, some one I believe I've actually met, was stabbed to death at Guernica in the East Village this weekend. Seems that he was kicking some guy out because he refused to put out his cigarette. People, people, people. I'm all for flouting the law, but not at the expense of someone's life! That's just so wrong.

But somehow, not surprising. Since the law has been passed, I've sensed a growing tension between smokers and nonsmokers. I joked Saturday about class war erupting in the streets, but I didn't know it would happen so soon. It seems like a petty thing, but smokers are addicted to their drug just like any crackhead, and if you try to take it away from us, we will fight back. I have already written off two of my former friends for being downright nasty to me when I jokingly complained about not being able to smoke in the club. Hey, I was fine with going outside, but they proceeded to launch into why it was so great that I was no longer "poisoning" them. I just find that to be rude and uncalled for. Thankfully, I don't harbor homicidal tendencies, but reading any nightly police report will teach you that people are killed over less every day.

This will get worse before it gets better. Back when you could smoke in a bar, nonsmokers rarely ever complained to your face; now they feel that since the law is on their side, they can insult you with impunity. A lot of New Yorkers, even sober, don't take that kind of talk lightly. Now get them drunk, and see what happens. You think a person quitting smoking has a short temper? How about a person deep in the environment in which he enjoys smoking the most, who is intoxicated and denied his fix? Did anyone think about this recipe for disaster?

You can recommend that I should just quit smoking, but that is exactly what I will not do. I will not be pushed into quitting. In fact, as ridiculous and obstinate as it sounds, I refuse to quit until this smoking ban is repealed, or until I live in a place where I can have a cigarette and a cocktail in public without fear of reprimand. There's no way I'll let the government make that choice for me. It's about state's rights, not slavery! Er, you know what I mean.

Sunday, April 13, 2003

Banzai, Buckaroos!

I'm over at my good friend Lola's house right now, getting ready to sit down to an evening of fried chicken and Buckaroo Banzai. We laid out in the backyard, soaking in the rays, for about an hour. It was heaven. Spring is finally here, and no one will have to die. Way to go, Momma Nature.

Friday, April 11, 2003

Thursday, April 10, 2003

Missing the Point

I keep seeing this: people pointing to yesterday's "fall" of Saddam's power as a reason for being right to support the war. Let's get this straight. Prevailing in a pre-emptive invasion of a country that is not a direct threat to you, an invasion that was justified by lies and propaganda, an invasion of an obviously less powerful nation -- that's not a justification for doing it in the first place. Imagine, if you will, Psycho George decides that it's time to invade Luxembourg, because he has "proof" that they are planning on using secret weapons to attack us. The US bombs the crap out of Luxembourg and they fold easily, but no secret weapons are found. Citizens of Luxembourg (Luxemburgers?) riot in the streets because their general police force has been decimated and they are free to loot and commit crimes, while hailing US soldiers for freeing them from the tyranny of order. That would be pretty bad, wouldn't it? I think most people would consider it stupid, or at least delusional, to openly say that the pro-war against Luxembourg contingent was obviously right, because look! Mass destruction, chaos, and no proof that there was ever any immediate threat! Yay! Morons.
Bipolar Thursday

Good morning, kids! I actually got to work at 9:40 today, but I can't keep track of how I feel about it, because I'm in mood swing city! Yeehaw!

After listening to more of both new and old R.E.M. (with Green as the dividing line), I still prefer the old stuff. Give me Document over Monster any day! I think it all ended for me when Michael Stipe shaved off his pretty little braids.

How the hell do 70% of Americans "support the war"? What does that even mean? I swear, if this keeps up, I'm never leaving New York, and I'll just stop reading the paper. I'd rather not know if this is what the rest of the country has become.

The Post had an article about the Tommy Lee-drowned kid case this morning. I was reading over some lady's shoulder that the parents were "in tears," while Tommy Lee "showed no emotion." OK, so these parents are all upset because Tommy didn't have a lifeguard, and Tommy says that every kid had their own personal nanny or parent there to watch out for them. So, like technically, every kid had his or her own lifeguard. My favorite part was where the mother said she was "stunned" to learn her son was even at a pool party at all, because he can't swim. Lookee here, bitch, you just admitted that you didn't even know where your son was, or where he'd been invited by a super-duper celebrity guy's kid. You should be the one sued for negligence, not Tommy Lee. Shit, if I handed my kid off to an au pair who took off before the party was over and shifted responsibility over to some other flaky nanny, I sure wouldn't have the nerve to talk about lifeguards. It's too bad that kid died, but who the hell hires a lifeguard for a house-pool party? Jury says: Not Liable.

Oh yeah, let's liberate the Iraqis. They totally don't need any kind of iron fist to keep them under control. While we're at it, can I be liberated from my country's oppressive regime? I seriously need to do some looting. Easter's coming and I need a new hat. And a DVD player.

OK, I had a minor freakout on the train this morning when I read about the 8th person to be diagnosed with SARS right here in the Rotten Apple. This person had just traveled to Asia. So we know this thing is highly contagious right? Well, right next to me is this guy who is Asian, and I heard him talking, so I know that at some point, he's been there. And he's sniffling like mad. All of the sudden, I had this irrational attack of germ paranoia, which I never have. I wanted to get off the train, go back home, and stay there. The last thing I need is the modern plague. I calmed down, though. I figure, hey, if I get SARS, at aleast I won't have to worry about lung cancer, Alzheimer's, or wrinkles! The power of positive thinking, people.

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

One More

When you put "narcissa" into Googlism, my Narcissa is the first one mentioned. That's nice.
Today's Great Time-Waster

"My buddy Jeff" (as my dad calls him), clued me in to this site today. It may or may not search Google results to come up with "opinions." Kind of fun. When I looked myself up, I got the following (favorites in bold):

alexia is down
alexia is more convenient than a www browser
alexia is an acquired disorder of reading subsequent to brain injury in a person who had previously been literate
alexia is the behavioral manifestation of a deficit in speed of visual identification which is not specific to orthographic material
alexia is another of my rpg characters
alexia is an addiction that has drawn me into the darker places of myself
alexia is available to perform for a wide variety of events including
alexia is signed on sony epic
alexia is new star in san remo and i'm sure that she'll win the festival
alexia is a world of roleplay for writers of dark fantasy and gothic horror
alexia is here
alexia is a world for mature adults
alexia is making a most remarkable recovery after falling from a horse
alexia is familiar to many amigos members
alexia is glad to be back from her holidays
alexia is currently being detained in the theatre
alexia is finally accomplished
alexia is tall and athletically slender from many years of sword fighting
alexia is also featured on my site dedicated to italian beauties
alexia is the most positive and loving person i have ever known
alexia is set to mount a strong challenge this year
alexia is expected to mount a strong challenge following the inclusion of former team telekom [What's with all the mounting? - Ed.]
alexia is hot man but all of them are but i mean alexia the hottest i wish i could have her number or maybe even email address
alexia is trying to write on a picture
alexia is only 10minutes old here
alexia is continuing her testing of the ideas solver
alexia is a nervous and distrusting person
alexia is a thin but very fit woman
alexia is mommies baby
alexia is totally spoiled and she is queen at our house
alexia is de echtgenote van erik de laet
alexia is a bi
alexia is convinced that the current international events have placed the future of humanity at great risk
alexia is our resident psychologist / advisor / hottie
alexia is much more than an immigration tale
alexia is my vote
alexia is/was/will be
alexia is unusual in ms and to our knowledge only 1 other case has been reported
alexia is only 3 months old
alexia is a entirely different creature frome the amazon queen of the cagliostro
alexia is the bean bag cat
alexia is the inability to read
alexia is shot
alexia is an experimental video about word
alexia is always a popular and informative speaker and you won't want to miss her presentation
alexia is preceded by submission of an application
alexia is waiting to fight chris
alexia is with me
alexia is handling this
alexia is one of the most talented
alexia is a daddy's girl
alexia is also the artistic director of raks odalisque
alexia is the first cover girl from this virtual magazine from spain
alexia is the form of alexia that accompanies a broca's aphasia
alexia is seen as protagonist at "festivalbar 1998"
alexia is an all
alexia is loss of reading ability in previously literate persons
alexia is bilingual in french and english and highly proficient in russian
alexia is a 28" tall porcelain with cloth body
alexia is counting the afternoon's take at home
alexia is located on the west side of the island of rhodes
alexia is alive and now interested in working with the pcs against raelthorne
alexia is a relatively new organization for youth that offers fellowship and information for teens wanting to join the ever
alexia is going through some changes
alexia is just hanging out with genesis at her home
alexia is a software user interface designer who is convinced that life is exactly what one thinks it is
alexia is a true believer in the power of emergia and ia consciousness
alexia is a fair skinned human fighter; her long dark brown hair frames piercing eyes of silver coloration
alexia is an amateur discovered and on her way to being a star
alexia is capable of what she is
alexia is the eldest daughter of king constantine and queen annemarie of greece
alexia is a remarkable teacher
alexia is a pretty brunette with some step
alexia is not working
alexia is an airheaded fashion
alexia is a justice of the peace and was awarded the new zealand 1990 commemorative medal for services to the community and disability sector and in 1996
alexia is a 23 y/o greek beauty
alexia is viciously torturing him
alexia is part of the tiny municipality of choulakia on mýkonos' western coast
alexia is a dynamic entertainer and was a featured dancer in nyc at the famous cedar's of lebanon club for many years
alexia is a tourist class hotel
alexia is to elucidate factors that might predict the success of a particular treatment for a
alexia is known to be both efficient and caring
alexia is startled
alexia is probably best known for her work as good girl meg lawson on the daytime drama general hospital
alexia is home to numerous young players we do not want any offensive or sexually explicit language to players or staff

Obviously, there are some pretty great girls, diseases, computer programs and RPG characters called Alexia out there. A few were obviously about the singer Alexia (damn her!). It's nice to think of oneself as a "tourist class hotel," though. Even nicer to be "is/was/will be."

Some excerpts from "henke":

henke is sanguine on the future of e
henke is just a tortured and melancholic soul who probably needs to get a life
henke is a realist
henke is the jazz writer for the dayton newspaper [That's my dad!!!!! -- Ed.]
henke is into anything
henke is cool

I bet that last one is about my brother.
Spam Update

Loans/Credit Cards: 4
Computer "Checkup": 1
Legitimate Company Deals: 1
Magazine Newsletter: 1
Survey: 1

That's more than one an hour. I hate spam.
What's In A Name?

They can change the name of South Central LA, but that's no guarantee that people will stop using it. Here in New York, they changed the name of Hell's Kitchen to Clinton years ago, but everyone still calls it Hell's Kitchen. Granted, it's not like the neighborhood that earned the name, but the name sticks.

Incidentally, Clinton is located just north of Chelsea. I think that is so cool. Hey, I make my own fun!
Fill 'Er Up?

I haven't pumped gas regularly for so long that I have no idea what this means, but supposedly, the national average for a gallon of gas is going down to $1.56 this summer. Last time I had a car, gas was usually less than $1.20 a gallon. I had a big old car though, with a V-8 engine (oh, yeah), so it wasn't cheap to fill up in any case. Wow, I can't believe I used to own such a gas guzzler. I truly wouldn't have been safe in a smaller car, though.

I fell asleep at 11:30 pm, woke up at 2 am, then again at 4 am, then again at 6 am, but ended up sleeping until 8:45. What the hell? This must be some strange psychosomatic reaction. Maybe I need hypnotherapy or a personal valet who shakes me awake every morning.

When I heard that it was 35 degrees and raining, I almost cried. When I heard the forecast for the rest of the week, I nearly did.

If you carry around Orbit spearmint gum in your purse, put it in a plastic zippered bag, or your whole purse, including your keys and your cell phone, will smell like spearmint. It's disturbing.

Last night's re-run of Buffy was so bad that I watched parts of About Jim instead. Yes, that bad. And hey, I thought it was supposed to be a new one! I could have been listening to my friends spin rock and/or roll, but instead I was wishing I could temporarily remove my eyeballs and send them to Joss Whedon with a letter that reads: "My favorite show has been rendered to the state that my eyeballs popped out from the intense sucking power it created. Thanks."

News flash! George W. Bush has no idea what's going on with Saddam Hussein at the moment, but he assures us that "he will be gone." Whew! Now I can rest easier!

People who are moping about secondary infertility need to find a hobby. So you can't have a second baby. Who the fuck cares? Maybe you can channel that energy into raising your first kid to be a contributing member of society! Yay!
There's Nothing Like Pressed Meat in a Can

I had 43 spam messages this morning, including one with the subject line: "Seek of Spam?" Here's the breakdown.

Herbal Viagra/Other Drugs: 5
Loans/Credit Cards: 9
Make Money: 2
Lose Weight: 1
Spam control: 1
Genealogy: 1
Porn: 1
"Prizes": 5
Illegible: 2
Psychics: 1
Wireless Services: 2
Personals: 1
Legitimate Company Deals: 2
Dubious Company Deals: 6
Classmate Searches: 1 1
Online Degrees: 1
Larger Penis: 1

Then of course, I get that many during the day, as well. I don't even fight it anymore. It's just sad when that's all the mail you get, along with two mass e-mails from friends (one being that goddamned NPR petition hoax) and one e-mail about your, WOW, your HUGE blog stats this week!

Thank you, kids! I'm so glad that between 7 and 13 people read the blog every day. That totally thrills me. But this is just the beginning. Tell your less politically correct and sensitive friends about this here blog, and we could start to give Wil Wheaton a run for his money. You know, when I was a teenager, my mom always told me that she thought Wil Wheaton was cute, and I could date him. She also thought I could date Fred Savage and Neil Patrick Harris. Oh, moms. She just didn't realize I had my heart set on Kiefer.

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Sinking Fast

I'm getting that blah feeling again. Must be the lack of any meaningful work today. I just showed the space to a very nice lady who needs more room. It's always too small or too big. Doesn't anybody have a party for 200 people anymore?

Plus, I went mad with the spending somehow this weekend, and screwed up my budget. I'd just like one month to go by where I'm not in the red. Is that so much to ask?

I'm feeling apathetic about continuing my voice classes right now, because I'm confused about what I should be working on; what I should be getting out of them besides just the chance to sing, which I do at home all the time anyway. I think I need to take private lessons, but I sure don't have the money for that.

I didn't make it to karate again this week, because it was sleeting, and I chose not to wait for the bus in the freezing precipitation. Still, I punked out. I've still got at least 70 classes that I've paid for, and damn if I'm not going to go to them.

What else could be causing the ennui? The fact that even though I hit the snooze for half an hour this morning, I still ended up turning off the alarm and waking up at 9? Nothing like the day-long still asleep feeling to make you crabby.

I tried to help myself. I had a good breakfast and a good lunch, chock full o' fruit and vegetables and protein and dairy, the way I'm supposed to. I'm taking the stairs all day. I even did some desk stretches. But still, all I want to do is go home, curl up on the couch, watch Buffy and smoke cigarettes. I have to go to the grocery store. Yesterday I ended up having three pieces of white toast and a serving of cous cous for dinner around 11 pm. Maybe it's this strawberry spring/wicked frost business. Can we just have some freaking springtime, already?

Um, I just found some crazy Buffy fan fic site while confirming the definition of "strawberry spring," and I have to go be ill now. These people... I mean, honestly!
Close, But No Cigar

Oh, John Kerry, will you never learn? Don't get me wrong, I'm tickled pink that he's got the balls to criticize Bush right now, and I agree that it's important for Democrats to be able to raise the issue of our country's involvement in this travesty of a war. But although the Vietnam Conflict was ostensibly about stemming the spread of Communism, we didn't win, and Communism didn't spread. So, I appreciate that Kerry fought in the war, I appreciate that he understands what war is really about. I appreciate that he's an advocate of free speech and that he sees the correlation between it and democracy (unlike Bush, et al.). But he didn't fight "for his right to speak freely." That was the American Revolution. Since then, there hasn't been a war that directly threatened our Constitution, unless I fell asleep in history class when we covered it. You could argue that every war in which Americans fight solidifies our position as a tough-guy superpower, which protects us from invasion, but the real fight for freedom of speech in America happens in Washington. It happens in the courts, the Congress, and the Oval Office. It happens in the media and that ever-more-important court of public opinion.

I just have a hard time trusting people who think I will fall for that line of bull. "I fought to protect our country." "I fought for freedom of speech." "I fought to protect the American way of life." Where do they get this crap? You fought to support your country's interests in a war the administration chose to be involved in. Your major contribution was making our Army superior so we could "win" and thus add another log to the fire of American strength. Fine. In the abstract, you fought for our country (heh, I typed "cuntry"). Indirectly, you protected your right to free speech. All that is is sweet talk, and I'm tired of it.
I'm Lookin' For the Man Who Shot My Paw

Only in California would they pass a law banning declawing cats. Of course, the anti-liberty movement seems to start in California these days, so it should get to us soon enough.

Personally, I'm against declawing cats. It's mean, and just plain icky. Would you want to have the first joint of each of your fingers removed? Yuck. When I had Jean-Paul, I kept his nails clipped. It was easy enough to do. Plus, it was a nice bonding experience for us. I miss my big, fat, fuzzy guy. But I digress.

Cat declawing is gross, and fewer vets should do it. But cats are still cats, not people. Heck, I think parents own their children until they reach a certain age, so certainly people own their pets. Some amount of physical or behavioral modification should be allowed. It just seems like there are way too many laws, period. Just because there is a law-making body, they don't have to be making up new shit all the time. They won't get fired for not meeting their "law quota."
Quote of the Day

"In the past two days, the Army has seen few Iraqis give up. Many have fought to the death, which seems to indicate these are hard-core loyalists." -- Chris Tomlinson and Hamza Hendawi for the AP

So... much... to... mock...

Funny, in America, we call those "patriots." It never ceases to amaze me how journalists keep on being surprised that Iraqi soldiers aren't a bunch of yellow chickens yearning for freedom from their oppressor.

"You know, Dan, it's almost as if these people aren't happy to be invaded!"

"I know, Marsha. This must just be a small group of deluded loyalists who don't realize that we're dropping bombs all over their country for their own good."

Habeus Corpus

The front page of the New York Post claims that the US is "confident" that Saddam is dust. Reading the story, we see that they are only "confident" he is dead if he was actually in the building. They were less "confident" about that fact.

On the other hand, the BBC claims that "US intelligence officials suspect [Saddam Hussein] survived."

The Sydney Morning Herald points out that bombing middle class residential neighborhoods isn't going to win the US any friends.

It's doubtful that Saddam Hussein is dead, but fairly certain that nine civilians are dead and several houses have been vaporized. I don't see how this advances the so-called goals of this war. Wouldn't it be preferable to capture Hussein so that we can find out the truth about the WoMD? I think I'm ready to get back into the fray. This skirmish is getting out of hand, and we Americans shouldn't be supporting the bloodlust of our illegitimate president. Our Congress needs to call for impeachment. If this isn't an abuse of power, I don't know what is.

Of course, we all know where we have to start. Every Democrat currently in office has to know that unless they change their lily-livered ways and say something about he atrocity that is the Bush Administration Part 2: This Time It's Personal, they're out of there. I know voting is considered uncool by the kids, but it's the right thing to do.

Monday, April 07, 2003

Sometimes It Snows in April

Sometimes I feel so bad. Especially when the weatherman says "six to nine inches of snow in the city!" I protest. This is just unacceptable. However, it is excellent hangover weather. At least I have that.

Today's advice: If you can't remember what song you just finished singing, into a microphone, in front of a bar full of people, you should stop drinking. For real, now.

That advice is in no way based on personal experience.

Friday, April 04, 2003


I had a good reason for turning off my alarm clock this morning. Even though I haven't seem Smallville in weeks, I was dreaming that I was Chloe and I was getting it on with Clark, but we realized that we were being spied on by Lex and Lionel. Oh yeah, baby, that was one good dream. Who knew Chloe had a garter belt?
Just a Coincidence?

Why do Joe Jackson's "Breaking Us In Two" and Badfinger's "Day After Day" sound so much alike? Should I be concerned that Joe Jackson is some kind of rip-off artist? Because I like him, and I can only hope that the song is more of an homage than a lift. These things bother me.
Something Pus-Filled This Way Rises

I have this horrible little pimple on my chin. It's been working it's way up to the surface for two days now. Yesterday it was killing me, and when I woke up this morning, there it was, a little red-rimmed white eye staring me in the face. I hate it; I loathe it. But I can't pop it. I have to cover it in Neutrogena One-Spot until it submits, hopefully by tonight. Must protect skin from scars! Must also look foxy at the club! This means I have to walk around all day today like that gross kid in high school who had really bad acne that you couldn't even look at. You know, the kid whose face was all red and oozy, and you marveled at how he could shave? Okay, so it's not that bad, but I feel like I'm grossing out people who look at me, and that's not the way you want to feel, is it, kids?

It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so painful. This must be my penance for never having zits as a teenager. Cursed to get a whopper at least once a month for the rest of my life. Forget wrinkle cream! I'll be buying Clearsil with my Poli-Grip!


Thursday, April 03, 2003

Something Smells Musto

You know how you have this thing you like but you forget about it? Like a certain restaurant or listening to classical music or a friend who never calls, but when you do see her, you have the best time? That's how I am with Michael Musto. I love his column. He cracks my shit up, for real, yo. But I don't read the Village Voice anymore, and I forget that it's online. So, there I am, floating through life, missing the wit and bile that is "La Dolce Musto," until I happen upon a link to the Voice and think, hey! The only thing I like in this rag is Musto! And then I laugh, laugh, laugh. I also feel like my life is terribly boring and I'm a big old nobody. I mean, if you want to be somebody, you've got to be cool enough to be mentioned by Michael Musto. Even if he insults you, at least he knew you were there. And that's something.

I walked by him on the street once and was struck by the fact that he was wearing a striped scarf in summer. Then I saw him at a party for Paper magazine that the planner helped me crash. I tried to stand in his sightline and look interesting, but that was lame, and I was more interested in watching Sandra Bernhard scream at the milling trendoids to shut up so she could sing. I want to scream at trendoids. That would be a dream come true.

Speaking of seeing and being seen, I'm venturing out to the land of smoke-free club life on Friday for Contempt. I even bought a feathery, sequined purple mask for the occasion ($6.48, beat that!). I can only hope that the good people of Jekyll & Hyde have come up with some loophole (read: will look the other way) so I can enjoy my Newports with impunity. I don't know what I'll do if I come home not smelling like an ashtray. It's all too healthy for me. Bah.
Today Sucks

Yeah, so, a year ago today my mother died. So, I kind of hate April 3rd. Also, it's my half-birthday. Crappy Half-Birthday to me!

Actually, I'm not going to let this get to me. It's pointless. All my friends think I should examine my feelings, but what's the point? I'm sure that my subconscious feelings won't fester inside until I act out against my loved ones and co-workers for no discernible reason. Seriously, if you don't consciously think about things, can they bother you? I'm leaning toward no. Is that terribly naive of me, to think that if I just refuse to let something bother me, that it won't? It's not like I want to forget about my mom, far from it. But why should I let myself get all sad when there's nothing I can do to change the fact that she's gone? Oh, yeah, this is really helping me not think about it.

Let's think about war, shall we? What the hell is up with newscasters calling Pfc. Jessica Lynch "Private Jessica"? Jesus! If the soldier were Pfc. Johnny Lynch, do you think they'd be calling him "Private Johnny"? No. The persistance of the media calling women by their first names has gone beyond irritating into condescending and chauvinistic. I'd write an angry letter, but I can see the headline now: "Alexia Worries Her Pretty Little Head About Complicated Matters" Subhead: "Femi-nazi Just Needs a Husband" I guess it's marginally better than being a married woman with no first name at all. "Hi, I'm Mrs. Johnny Lynch, how do you do?" Gag me with a spork, for real.
Madonna Don't Preach

"[The video for American Life] was filmed before the war started, and I do not believe it is appropriate to air it at this time. Due to the volatile state of the world and out of sensitivity and respect to the armed forces, who I support and pray for, I do not want to risk offending anyone who might misinterpret the meaning of this video." -- Madonna

It was bad enough that she started breeding, faking a British accent and wearing Burberry, but now she's afraid of offending people. The worst part is she's afraid of offending people because they "misinterpret" her work. In my mind, this is just antithetical to the artistic process, and proves that Madonna has stopped even trying to be an artist and has accepted her role as a mainstream entertainment producer. I do believe that Madonna has done some great high concept stuff in the past; even work like Sex, although not considered good art, was definitely an attempt to go beyond cookie-cutter pop music and glossy videos to her creative core. What happened to the Madonna who was willing to kiss a black Jesus and lose her lucrative Pepsi contract, or risk her popularity by radically changing her look and sound again and again? I always knew that babies make women stupid, and here's my proof. Maybe all that yoga has softened her spine. If anyone should know, it should be Madonna. You don't pull your work, you let the media censors do it for you.

Wednesday, April 02, 2003


Tonya Harding is boxing. Yeah, I already knew that, but I had to point out this quote: "Harding, linked to the 1994 knee-whacking of rival skater Nancy Kerrigan, is 2-1 as a boxer."


It's the little things that make life worth living.
Captain Tripps Is On The Line

Maybe it's not as bad as the killer virus from The Stand, but this SARS thing is looking pretty bad. Flu-like illness probably caused by a new coronavirus, the kind of virus that is very resistant to treatment and killed the aliens in War of the Worlds. Aside from the fear of contagion and the lingering apocalyptic wariness, I'm interested in this idea of new viruses. Okay, viruses are generally considered to be bad for humans, and I agree. But isn't it amazing how they grow, mutate, become resistant to drugs, and evolve? They go through this process much faster than any other organism (it seems, I Am Not a Scientist). Viruses are scary, but I can see why some people would want to devote their lives to studying them, whether they cared about curing disease or not. Hmm, maybe I should have been a scientist. I love experiments. But I could never get that damn pipette to work!
Reality Sets In

The people around us are really stupid. I heard a woman on the subway platform talking about what the soldiers must have done when they rescued Pfc. Jessica Lynch. First she called Lynch "that poor girl," then emitted a stream of bile about "stupid fucking Iraqi" and "bayonets," punctuating her remarks with stabbing motions. It was quite disgusting. By the way, I'm incensed by the media portrayal of this war. More and more, Iraqis are shown as less than human, and American GIs are as the apostles themselves. Tabloids like the New York Post -- which are taken seriously by many New Yorkers --print stories that sensationalize every positive US military move, as if this sort of thing doesn't happen in war all the time. It's straight up propaganda, and it's terrifying. Like this quote: "America doesn't leave its heroes behind," military spokesman Jim Wilkinson said. "It never has. It never will." Are you telling me that these comments haven't been engineered by publicists? Everything's a sound bite. What's real when everything is manufactured by marketers? The TV news logos for Desert Shield were tasteless, and we knew it then, but I never expected it to go this far. I guess I was naive, but hey, I was only 17.
Thieves Rush in Where Fools Fear to Tread

*bonus points if you get the reference. Hint: "And Alexander Pope said that!"

I don't know about you, but I didn't notice any manifestations of April Fool's Day yesterday. I know it's "wartime" and all, but I think it's really been going out of vogue in the past few years. It's pretty neat to see the decline of a holiday, however tertiary. Groundhog Day didn't get that much play this year either, and Mardi Gras missed me altogether. Huh, come to think of it, I didn't see a lot of ash-heads that Wednesday, either. I know other people celebrated Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day, even if I didn't do more than wear the appropriate colors. President's Day was memorable, because of the blizzard that accompanied it and the beautiful Monday off. I'm looking forward to Good Friday, too. No one will let Easter, Mother's Day or Father's Day fall by the wayside, so we're safe with those. But I'm pretty sure April Fool's Day is slowly becoming an obsolete holiday. Hey, when the leader of the free world is the biggest fool of all, where do you go from there?

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Very Deep Thoughts

You wouldn't think that the Disney-owned ABC network would be the conduit for philosophical inspiration, but last night's episode of Miracles got me to thinking (and dreaming) about a subject that fascinates me. Good and evil. Right and wrong. In the episode, it's made apparent that there are two distinct forces that could be called Good and Evil. What's not so clear, however, is which is which. People like to talk about morality, knowing the difference between right and wrong. While it's true that the dichotomy exists in most things, who says which side is right and which side is wrong? Killing is bad, saving lives is good. Cleanliness is next to godliness and slovenliness is not very nice. And for those people who like God, God is good. Like the most good there is. And everything written in His little book must outline what is good, and what is bad. What is right and what is wrong. (Funny though, that over the centuries, interpretation and modern times have toned down the severity of judgement in the Old and New Testaments. I'll bet that it's so with the Koran and other religious teachings; the idea of reform.)

Many people would say that because basic human morality (don't kill, steal, cheat, intoxicate yourself, or fornicate) is accepted by the majority of Western Society, it's right. That is, because so many people think murder is wrong, then it must be. But who says? These same people feel it is right to kill under special circumstances (punishment, war), so they modify their perception of right and wrong. It is a perception, isn't it? It isn't a truth. Good and bad are as subjective as art and music, but fewer people are willing to dissent with the prevailing opinion. The only really honest way to live is to create your own personal morality and stick by it. Who knows what happens after we die? So much of our ethics is wrapped up in after-life judgement and punishment. Heaven, hell, karma, purgatory. Wouldn't it be interesting if judgement came from a god of tribal South Americans and everyone who refused to battle their neighbors and eat their flesh would be doomed to an eternity of torment? Hey, at least while I was suffering inexplicable agony, I could feel somewhat vindicated.