Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Momentary Outburst

I said this would be a war-free space for a while, but hey, I lied.

So there I am, innocently reading the news about the war, and WAM! Hypocrisy and Jingoism jump me! Those bastards!

How can you blithely talk about killing 500 Iraqis one minute, then turn around and write touching bios about 4 American soldiers in a POW camp? Oh yes, boo hoo, I'm so sad that IN A WAR, our soldiers got captured. And considering everything Bush has been telling us about his sadistic torture methods, I'll bet their families are really shitting bricks right now. But when some "We're Number One!" general casually mentions that most Iraqi soldiers just seem like they want to go home after estimating that we've killed 500 of them in two days, you have to wonder if the troops even see the Iraqi soldiers as human. It just makes me want to puke, is all.

Back to your regularly scheduled blogging.

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