Monday, March 24, 2003

Missing In Action

Concerned about my lack of war commentary at this time? Don't be. I'm still keeping up with the events that I need to know about, but what good does it do to bitch and grouse about something that's not even half finished yet? Sure I could make fun of people who are surprised that there was any Iraqi resistance, mock our Army's lack of readiness for war, roll my eyes at soldiers with "attitude problems," fake surrenders, and the apparent naivete about armed conflict the American public is showing (not unlike its collective thong), but what's the point? I'm so offended by the extensive nature of the coverage, the details that do nothing but frighten and work up Americans, that I don't want to add to it. Look for more local politics, pop culture, and personal kvetching in this space for a while. I'll have a reason to get my war on again sometime soon, I'm sure.

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