Friday, January 03, 2003

So Very Dirrty

I was just thinking about how much Christina Aguilera has changed over the past couple of years (don't ask me why, I'm not really sure), so I went to her official website to look at some recent pictures of her. She actually looked nice at this year's Grammy Awards. After reading an interview with her in Jann Wenner's birdcage liner, I started to think that I have said mean things about this person that I've never met without actually listening to her music or to anything she has to say. I can say I'm not down with her fashion sense, on the whole, but that's about it. Also, she doesn't seem to have a face so much as a face created by makeup. If I didn't know what I was looking at, I might guess they were pictures of CA, but she's not exactly always recognizable. I can easily confuse her with Shakira, which is not something you could have ever said about Madonna, who was (is) always instantly recognizable because of her strong features. CA has some kind of mush face where she is most recognizable looking upward. Maybe that's why she wears so much eyeshadow.

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