Monday, January 13, 2003

Pepe Le Pew

So the fancy pants government in Bend, Oregon (Bend, heh heh) wants to kick people off the public bus for being smelly. I don't like that one bit. I think it allows for discrimination based on cultural background. Anyone who's ridden in a New York City taxi can tell you that folks from some other countries don't have the same Puritan bathing rituals that Americans have, thus, their aromatic nature is perceived negatively by us Yankees. In other words, some Middle Eastern people don't smell very good. This is also true of some Europeans I've gotten inadvertently chummy with on the subway. Thems are the breaks when you ride public transport, sweetie. Besides, the concept that the government can deny a public service to someone because they smell is nuts, and must be unconstitutional. I want to see the ACLU jump in on this one. First I can't drink outside or smoke inside, now I can't be smelly? It makes me want to take a Greyhound Bus to Oregon, without showering, then hit the gym for a few hours, hang out in the monkey house at the zoo for a few hours, hole up in a pot den for a day, then hop the public bus back to the Greyhound station. Think they'd let me on? Gah, you'd think Eisenhower was back in office. I hope this doesn't give Bloomberg (the man who initially didn't seem concerned with "quality of life" issues) any ideas.

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