Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Dear Mr. President: You Suck

I can't believe that son-of-a-bitch used MLK, Jr.'s Birthday (observed) to promote his faith-based agenda. Also, I hate him. I'm so mad, I can barely think of what to write about how much he bites it. What is he thinking with these mixed messages about affirmative action? How is increasing spending to Historically Black Colleges any more fair than the University of Michigan's admission policies? Isn't it a conflict of interest for the executive branch to make suggestions to the Supreme Court? Doesn't he know that it's "discriminate against"? Besides, how the hell are we discriminating against faith in a way that injures the cause of race relations?

Please, please, please help get his opponent elected in 2004, for the sake of all thinking and even the oblivious Americans.

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