Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Thieves Rush in Where Fools Fear to Tread

*bonus points if you get the reference. Hint: "And Alexander Pope said that!"

I don't know about you, but I didn't notice any manifestations of April Fool's Day yesterday. I know it's "wartime" and all, but I think it's really been going out of vogue in the past few years. It's pretty neat to see the decline of a holiday, however tertiary. Groundhog Day didn't get that much play this year either, and Mardi Gras missed me altogether. Huh, come to think of it, I didn't see a lot of ash-heads that Wednesday, either. I know other people celebrated Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day, even if I didn't do more than wear the appropriate colors. President's Day was memorable, because of the blizzard that accompanied it and the beautiful Monday off. I'm looking forward to Good Friday, too. No one will let Easter, Mother's Day or Father's Day fall by the wayside, so we're safe with those. But I'm pretty sure April Fool's Day is slowly becoming an obsolete holiday. Hey, when the leader of the free world is the biggest fool of all, where do you go from there?

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