Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Template Update the Second

It's fixed. Everything you see is current. I know you were waiting with baited breath to see what kind of shoes I was wearing today.

While I'm here, a friendly new reader contacted me today and pointed me to this site, which is funny as well as disturbing. She suggested a sort of "dueling banjos" with the quotes of the Iraqi Minister of Information and our very own Mush-Mouth Dubya. Might go somethin' like this:

"We're going to drag the drunken junkie nose of Bush through Iraq's desert, him and his follower dog Blair...There are 26 million Saddams in Iraq."

"The war on terror involves Saddam Hussein because of the nature of Saddam Hussein, the history of Saddam Hussein, and his willingness to terrorize himself."

"Bush is a very stupid man. The American people are not stupid, they are very clever. I can't understand how such clever people came to elect such a stupid president."

"I think the American people—I hope the American–I don't think, let me—I hope the American people trust me."

"W. Bush, this man is a war criminal, and we will see that he is brought to trial."

"When Iraq is liberated, you will be treated, tried, and persecuted as a war criminal."

"I speak better English than this villain Bush."

Ah, hours of fun.

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