Friday, April 25, 2003


I've gotten a bit of e-mail on this, and I just want to clarify: when I say, "Marriage, bad" I'm talking about the involvement of the government in marriage and the way married people are treated versus unmarried people. You want to go out and have that big, white, church wedding and step on the glass and yadda yadda yadda? Go for it! More interested in a quiet ceremony with just your closest friends and a chalice of your mixed blood? Funky, but okay by me. Simply want to exchange rings with your lover and proclaim spousehood? Not very festive, but whatever works for you. And to make it very, very plain: I WANT THAT, TOO. Maybe not the blood part, but I'm all for a long-lasting committment that's marked by something special and with clear intent understood by both parties involved. I just don't need or want to be legally bound to another person. M'kay?

The eradication of legal marriage would also make the "problem" of gay marriage no longer a problem. Since married people shouldn't be afforded any more rights than single people, what would it matter who recognized your marriage? Domestic partnership laws could cover insurance and such, then sham marriages for green cards and insurance fraud wouldn't be a problem anymore. See how much better it would be? No? I guess it's just me, but I stand by my beliefs.

Also, I think DNA has been around for longer than 50 years, Google. Briefer is not always better.

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