Tuesday, April 22, 2003

He Ain't Heavy, But You Try Lifting Eric McCormick Up Onto The Stage

At least, that's what I imagine I'll be doing on May 18th. See, that day is AIDS Walk New York, and after five years of walking, I'm taking a break to volunteer. I've spent some time on the phones already, but on the day of the event, I'm sure I'll have a much more labor intensive job, although perhaps celebrity wrangling is a little far-fetched. The walk is always fun, and I'm looking forward to being involved in the production side of it, because it's so well-organized.

I am, of course, also raising money, so if you would like to donate, you can check out my awesome AIDS Walk web site and lay some cash down on me. I'm sure that as concientious blog readers, you all know that there's no cure for AIDS, nor is there a vaccine against HIV, and that the virus is still spreading in America, even among demographic groups who don't expect to get it (like straight black women). That's why I think this walk is important, because it serves as a reminder to people who don't regularly deal with the effects of AIDS that it is a real and continuing problem. Yes, it raises funds, but it also raises awareness. And to anyone who wants to bitch about GMHC, they may not be perfect, but they were the first to do anything, and that deserves some credit. Plus, the money from AIDS Walk NY goes to over 50 different organizations, not just GMHC.

When I finally get last year's pictures developed, I'll post some on my donation page. Walk on.

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