Thursday, April 17, 2003

Holy Crap!

Or Holy Thursday, whatever. After all my anti-Catholic ranting, I still don't feel bad for being off tomorrow for Good Friday. Technically, since I won't be working, it will be a good Friday. A good Friday for doing laundry and sweeping last Friday's confetti off the floor. A good Friday for handwashing my unmentionables and watching Pyramid. A good Friday for grocery shopping and freezing meat. Then later, a good Friday night for rock and porn. That's right. Mondo Porno is back. Check out Abby's link (to the left) for more info. Last time was a blast and a half, and I got free naughty things! I have no idea what to wear, though, because not only am I a fat cow, but the weather will be icky. Maybe I have a water-resistant mumu in my closet. Sexxxxxxy.

I can only hope I'll feel better tomorrow and less like smashing things so all that goodness won't be wasted. Now, it's more like smashing things. Smash! Smash!

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