Tuesday, December 10, 2002

Past Perfect

I watched two period pieces last night, but they sure weren't of the Merchant-Ivory variety. Dick, set from 1972-1974 and offering a fantasy story about Watergate and "Deep Throat," and Stonewall, set in the late sixties and giving us a story that might have happened in New York leading up to the Stonewall riot of 1969. I've seen Dick before, and I think it's super cute. Kirsten Dunst and Michelle Williams do amazing jobs as complete airheads. I felt like I could see the little wheels turning in their tiny minds. Plus, the costumes are great, and the White House cast is perfect.

Stonewall was just fantastic. I recommend this film to anyone who doesn't understand what the gay civil rights movement is about or to anyone who just wants to learn more about it or the scene in New York in 1969. Yes, I know, I have a thing about drag queens, but this flick is no Priscilla. It's real. It's heartbreaking, and it also gives you hope. Why is it that only independent films that don't get seen by the people who need to see them offer this kind of look at the subject matter? Well, I'm not into the politics of film, so whatever. I saw it and I give it ten thumbs up.

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