Friday, August 09, 2002

Wait For the Beep!

Our building is testing the fire alarm system, and the buzz of the alarm is very old-fashioned and loud. It reminds me of a giant door buzzer. This whole situation has reminded me of the first high school I went to, and how odd it was.

Scott High School was a very new school when I went there in 1987. It was carpeted, had two floors, open classrooms (except for the science labs), and the "bell" wasn't a bell at all, but a tone. Very much like the tone at the end of the outgoing message on an answering machine. Irrepressible wits that we were, my pals and I would always say, "Wait for the beep!" when the end of the period was imminent. At that time, there were advertisements on TV for a tape you could use for your outgoing message, instead of recording your own. They were "humorous," like a man with a deep voice singing "Nobody's home, nobody's home" to the tune of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. Our favorite was the rap one, which went, "Wait for the beep! Ya got ta leave ya name, ya got ta leave ya numbah! Wait for the beep!" And we would sing it all the time. God, we were cool.

At my high school reunion, I was informed that I was once put in a locker by a classmate (a boy -- I never tangled with the girls, always the big, dumb guys. Easier targets) and locked in. I had to be let out by the Assistant Principal, Mr. Pelfry, whom we affectionately dubbed "Hitler." I don't remember this at all. But I have a pretty bad memory for events that happened to me, especially before high school. It's all very hazy. I don't remember any of my teacher's names, but two or three. I have memories of places and things, but not really of specific events. And this is strange, because I can remember facts and figures very well. Also, my life has been hella interesting, even in childhood, so it should be memorable. But, no. I still don't believe I was put in a locker. Really? Seems like I'd remember that...

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