Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Not Available at Your Local Animal Shelter

Ye olde Bushe administratione is supporting "embryo adoption." As usual, twelve thousand groups with their own agendas are having their say on the simple issue of the US government using tax dollars to promote public awareness of embryo donation. The stem cell researchers, the pro-lifers, the "abortion rights" advocates -- they all have something to say, afraid that this promotion could set precedents harmful to their own causes. I think the real issue here is that Bush is using $1 million (granted, not much in government terms) to dictate what disposal method people should use when they create too many embryos in the sick and twisted envitro fertilization process, rather than using that money to help feed, educate and raise the children that already exist in this country. What kind of selfish, short-sighted, irresponsible freaks would encourage scientifically engineered breeding while there are children in this country without families, without homes (NYC homelessness has doubled since 1998, and most of those families are women with children), without food, and without a decent education? Is it the goal of the Bush administration and other proponents of this campaign to encourage unnatural pregnancies while starving, physically and emotionally, the already-born? What type of "pro-life" stand is that?

Not that I have any strong opinions about this, of course.

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