Friday, August 30, 2002

Preparation for Flag Mania

Hey, are you like me? Were you physically disgusted by the lack of respect shown to the American flag all over this great country starting around Septemebr 11, 2001? Have you scolded people for hanging their flag wrong or draping it over themselves as if it were a cape? If you're like me, you probably wished someone in the news media would go public with the rules of flag etiquette so as not to perpetuate this horrific spectacle. You could also be one of those people who thinks flag etiquette is unimportant, in which case you probably also think it's ok to spell "night" as "nite" or to let football players cheat their way through high school. That's all right; we can't all be good people. Anyway, I have found a nice site that lays out the simple rules of etiquette for the American flag. I know that in a couple of days the streets will be covered with improperly displayed flags, made of cheap material, left to get rained on, dirtied and ragged by the time Halloween decorations are put up. This is a sad way to treat the symbol of our country. People treat their Yankees pennants better than they do the flag. If you have to think about why I would think that's wrong, you may be reading the wrong blog.

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