Tuesday, July 23, 2002

It's A Small Borough After All

Mayor Mike says that they can't build Disneyland at Coney Island, but he's open to ideas about development. Guess it's time to write some letters to Dan Doctoroff in the Department of Economic Development. The address is City Hall, New York, NY 10007. If I were to take an educated guess at the e-mail, I'd say it's ddoctoroff@cityhall.nyc.gov. I will march down the boardwalk, naked, dragging Mickey Mouse behind me in a noose, before I see Coney Island become another Times Square. Of course, I might just do that next weekend, so it's not much of a threat.

A piece of advice: If you are staying at your super-cool aunt's house while on a visit to a large and dangerous city, and you decide to stay out all night before your 11 am flight, call your super-cool aunt and let her know, because she just might wake up at 6:50 am and freak out that you're not there. Plus, she'll call your dad, and you'll be in the shit when you get home.

All Work and No Play Makes Alexia Watch Too Much TV

That TV mini-series of The Shining is sooo creepy. Plus, it's six hours long. How can you beat that? Menacing and ambulatory topiary animals! Hissing and spitting hotel boiler! Whispering ghosties! Redrum! And have you ever noticed how pretty Rebecca de Mornay is? That kid needs a decongestant, though. Conclusion on Wednesday...

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