Thursday, May 01, 2003

Can You Super-Size That, Please?

How small are the people in Thailand that a woman weighing 187 pounds enters the "Jumbo Queen" pageant? The other two women quoted in the article weigh 209 and 232 pounds. Still, I'm not thinking "jumbo." I'm thinking, "zaftig", "fat", or "Lane Bryant." You want jumbo? You want to talk about triple-chins? Then these ladies must either be 4 feet tall, or they've got some much bigger contestants they're not quoting. I would think 400 pounds connotes jumbo. But maybe it's an American thing. Maybe 400 pounds would be considered just too much in Thailand. Who knows? It's a country that has a "leading transvestite actress." RuPaul's not really a transvestite actress (doing most of his acting out of drag), and Divine is dead, so do we have anyone else? And don't you have to have at least three or four to have a "leading" one? This is all so very intriguing. I mean, I heard all about Bangkok in Chess, but I never knew about all this. Maybe I'll go on a tour. They don't have SARS, do they?

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