Thursday, May 22, 2003

Breakin' Up Is Hard To Do

Who would have thought that conjoined twins, separated by surgeons in an unnatural procedure that demonstrates man's hubris, would have suffered setbacks in their recoveries? I'm shocked, I really am. I figured that if Western medicine thought it was a good idea to deliver these freaks and then do risky, expensive surgery to give them "normal" lives, then it couldn't fail!

Oh, I know. You hate me. I'm evil and unfeeling. All I know is that when a cat delivers a kitten who isn't quite right, she smothers it with her body. But why not subvert nature? I know it's what all the cool kids are doing!

(I am aware of the irony that choosing to remain child-free is also a subversion of nature. But this is my blog, ya know.)

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