Tuesday, February 04, 2003


Kids, don't be like me. Don't try to scrub out your blender while the blade is still in it.

In other news, I had a delicious coffee/banana smoothie this morning. And still got to work on time! The new trick is using a sheet and light blanket rather than the super comfy duvet of champions to prevent prolonged snoozing. Sure, I'm not as pleasant when I get up, but I get up. My kingdom for the balls to quit my job!

And I have to say this, because I bitched about NASA last week: My bad vibes did not crash the space shuttle. Very sad occurrence, but don't airplanes crash all the time? It seems like NASA has a pretty good record compared to the commercial airline industry. Regardless, listening to astronauts talk about it, it seems that they are very aware of possible risks and willing to take those risks. So, even though it's sad that they died, space travel is and should be considered dangerous. It's not like going to a picnic and then spontaneously combusting. Also, I get the creeps when I hear crying memorial-goers (you know, the ones who don't actually know the crew but love the cult of grief) saying the crew "sacrificed for the country." Well. I'd say more like they sacrificed for science and discovery, but what do I know? The space program isn't a nationalist thing anymore, sweetheart. We even work with the Russkies now, dontcha know.

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