Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Better Blogging Bureau

Gosh, I know I've been posting some garbage lately, but I promise to mend my ways!

For instance, I was watching the Caroline Rhea show last night, er, early this morning, and Laura Linney was on. I vaguely remember her from The Truman Show, but I haven't seen her in anything else, so I had pretty much neutral feelings about her. I was just flipping around, eating pizza, getting ready to pass out ( I drank beer last night!), so I wasn't being much of a discriminating TV watcher. Caroline talks about what a great actress Linney is, and starts showing stills from her movies. First, her with Matthew Broderick in You Can Count On Me. What does she say? "He's a great kisser." Her with Liam Neeson in The Crucible on Broadway. "He's in the best shape of his life." Her with Richard Gere in Primal Fear. "I've done two movies with him and I've never gotten to kiss him." Her with Jim Carrey in Truman. "One thing you never notice about Jim Carrey is how handsome he is." And Caroline Rhea is just egging her on, being all giggly about the cute leading men; I mean, come on! Gag me with a spoon. Way to set women actors back about 100 years. In a year when women have had amazing roles in movies (The Hours, Chicago, Secretary), do we really need some supposedly serious actress sitting on a chat show gossiping about boys? What load of horseshit. I hope she sees the show and is embarrassed for acting like such an ass. Also, way to denegrate your fellow actors by treating them like pieces of meat. Slag.

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