Thursday, February 20, 2003

Late Breaking News

I finally finished updating the Network TV section of my website. Of course, I didn't realize Kingpin was only six episodes long, and new midseason replacements are arriving any minute, so it's a work in progress. I like the new format, though, as I can rate the programs rather than give a thumbs-up/thumbs-down reaction. I also need to add some fan site links for the creepy touch.

Chevrolet has gone nutty. The right hand Flash ad on my Radio@Netscape Plus bar is alternating between promos and two Chevy ads that quote songs. They are: "Little Red Corvette/Baby you're much 2 fast (Yes U R)" with the TAFKAP symbol; and "Top dollar with the gold flea collar/Dippin' in my light blue Impala" credited to Snoop Dogg. The Chevy logo and the slogan "We'll Be There" appear below the quotes. It's stupid. If there are only two Chevy cars quoted in songs, they you've totally missed the concept of an effective ad campaign. I don't think I'd find it as dumb if they had three or four different ads. You have to have that number for a campaign. It's a must, Chevrolet!

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