Thursday, November 07, 2002

No, That's Fine, I Understand, It's Not Me, It's You

See, I know that at least 10 people have read my blog since I posted my entreaty for information. Or one person read it 10 times. Regardless, not one person has 'fessed up to being a reader. I swear, people, I'll just stop writing. Then what will you do? How will you get through your miserable little existences without the bright rays of sunshine that are my finely crafted screeds and clever one-liners? Hmm? Hmmmmmmm?

Seriously, blogging is keeping me from deluging my friends with e-mails ranting about this or that, pointing to my new favorite article in The Onion, or bemoaning my latest hangover. This way, I get the writing itch scratched and my friends no longer have to wear themselves out deciding whether or not to just drop me as a friend all together. Now they just wonder where I am, what I'm doing. I'm much more desirable when I'm not around.


I'm singing on November 13 at Gomorrah. I need to get some music as I have misplaced my copy of my favorite karaoke CD, Fun Movie and Show Tunes. Dude, it has everything from "Dance Ten Looks Three" and "Gee, Officer Krupke" to "Sweet Transvestite" and "Dentist." That's good karaoke, right there. The versions are very faithful to the originals, so it doesn't sound cheesy when I use it as recorded music for a little performance here and there.

I'm not feeling karate tonight. Maybe I'll be bad and stay home and watch Survivor. I'm feeling the onset of my monthly case of ennui. A sure sign that I must go to karate and get those endorphins pumping. I've said it before and I'll say it again:


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