Thursday, October 24, 2002


Okay, so let's gloss over the fact that I'm reading a recap of The Real World: Las Vegas, a show I've never seen (not even in previous seasons), that seems just horrible, to get to the point of how out of the MTV generation loop I am.

"Trashelle, meanwhile, throws her split ends all a-flutter as she wails to Drakkar Noir, 'Oh, I love Jack Johnson!' And who doesn't, really? Certainly not someone who needs to get laid to feel her inner worth who has just been asked the question, 'Can I validate your damaged self-esteem by letting you tell me you love Jack Johnson?' Drakkar Noir asks Trashelle, 'You wanna go with us?' The booze adds an extra four syllables to Trashelle's emphatic, 'Yes!' Oh, my God. Jack Johnson doesn't get that excited about seeing Jack Johnson."

Who the hell is Jack Johnson?

"Irulissa nod sympathetically as Brynn moans on about Trashelle getting all up on the guys within ten minutes of walking in, while Brynn plays the wallflower (a band in many ways the antecedent to the work of Jack Johnson, I might stop and add here) for 'three hours.'"

Okay, I have heard of the Wallfowers, mostly because it's Bob Dylan's son's band, but have they really been around long enough to be seen as the antecedant to anyone? Is there some whole new world of music evolving while I sit here listening to Queen and John Lennon? Well, yes, I know there is, but is it any good? I worry that I'll waste my time and money trying to find out and just be disappointed. Keeping up with the pop culture times is too hard to do. Turn up the Freedom Rock, man.

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