Monday, March 01, 2004

How Riveting... Oh, Wait, I Mean, Not Riveting

Big surprise, Sean Penn and Charlize Theron and Peter Jackson won. I'm just glued to the set, that is, when I can take a break from reading a recap of last week's America's Next Top Model, which I actually saw. What? Oh, the Oscars. Spielberg is about to announce the Best Picture Oscar. I'll save you the trouble of looking it up. It involves hobbits.


Yeah, I was right. Not like you had to be a genius to see this coming. Tied Titanic and Ben Hur for most wins. I have to say, I really liked the movie, the whole series, and hoped it would win this Oscar, but this is just overkill. Why anyone has to say anything after the 10+ other speeches is unfathomable. Shut up! I now have angry feelings toward the whole LOR franchise and it's all the fault of the Oscars. Damn you Billy Crystal! Damn you!

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