Thursday, September 11, 2003

Success, Finally

I finally figured out (with the help of my friendly sysadmin) how to update my website. It's not important what stupid thing I forgot to do; what is important is that now, I can do some updating. Click the link to the left, "Everything," to check it out.

The other night, I stopped into the McDonald's on Broadway near Astor Place, and the kid who took my order had fangs. I'm talking prosthetics. Then I took gander at his name tag. "Lestat," it read. Oh, give me a break. What a loser. YOU WORK AT MCDONALD'S! YOU ARE NOT A VAMPIRE! Sheesh.

And what is up with those bitchy Weight Watchers commericals, where the women try to undermine each other's self-confidence and body image? "So much for the weight loss plan." "Maybe that's why you quit your diet." Thank you, Weight Watchers, for perpetuating the image of women as spiteful, competitive, insecure cunts. Thank you, thank you.

And how are you?

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